A downloadable soundtrack

A soundtrack consisting in one condensed track with multiple sections, made in FL Studio. As the main character goes deeper into the water and discovers the secrets of the ocean, the music gets more alert and synthetic, going from section to section.

The photo and the main character made me think of Asian music, so I chose a pentatonic scale and a harp. Besides that, I also combined some classical elements, such as a piano and violins, with an atmospheric synth and a lead that reminds me of childhood.

The sections were thought for the game as follows:
1. When the characters enters the clear water, the music is pretty simple and innocent.

2. As she opens her eyes and sees all the marine life, the violins start playing.

3. She gets more playful and the percussion starts.

4. As she starts to see some weird unknown marine life, the violins start their quick playing section.

5. Then, to accompany a some kind of "boss fight", the synth lead  comes into play, followed by the fast percussion that enters the game when the climax is reached.

6. Finally, the same atmospheric synth as in the beginning is played, marking the end.

Youtube link:

Soundcloud link:

Thank you for listening to my work and feel free to use it as you wish as long as you credit me.


Zacoosca - Going Deeper.mp3 4.7 MB


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(I write this as I listen!)

The intro is a little ominous. Love that so much. The synth that kicks in alleviates that a bit! Gets quite interesting as it goes on. Very simplistic overall. I love the different phases it goes through. About the last third is my favorite with that slidy synth. Nice work :)